Gifted Math Program
Gifted Math Program
The gifted and talented programs in Marlboro Township Public Schools are needs-based programs designed for those students who, when compared to their chronological peers, possess or demonstrate exceptionally high levels of ability in one or more content areas. The programs provide additional and appropriate educational challenges and opportunities to meet the needs of these students. The curricula for the various G&T programs are created by the G&T teachers, designed to provide appropriate challenge to intellectually and academically advanced learners, and approved by the Board of Education.
- To challenge gifted and talented students who demonstrate a need for rigor beyond the regular curriculum for their grade level.
- To provide an environment that encourages the development of critical thinking skills such as analysis, evaluation, synthesis, and complex problem solving strategies.
- To provide an environment that encourages divergent thinking and supports the development of originality, fluency, flexibility, and elaboration.
- To develop confidence in expressing ideas in discussions, debates, expository writing, and creative writing.
- To advance the process of inquiry through the application of skills in investigations of real-life problems and research.
- To provide students with opportunities to develop leadership skills through positive group interaction.
Gifted Mathematics (Grades K through 3):
The Gifted Mathematics program is designed to meet the needs of students identified as requiring enrichment in mathematics with the goal of raising meta cognitive awareness in the application of logical reasoning and problem-solving strategies, comprehending and solving multi-step word problems, and developing the ability to explain mathematical concepts and processes. Students are pulled out of their regular math class for additional content specific enrichment once per week.
*Students in grades two and three participate for a full year, beginning in October.
*Students in grade one participate for the second half of the school year, beginning in January.
Please click here to view the district's placement information. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.