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Mrs. Melissa Faller » Welcome Letter

Welcome Letter

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I would like to welcome you to second grade!  I hope that you are enjoying your summer and staying safe.  I have been having fun at the beach and at Country Roads Day Camp.  I have two boys starting school very soon, just like you.  Our classroom is almost ready, just a few last minute things to finish up to get it perfect. There’s a clue at the top of this letter as to what our class theme is this year.  Make sure you practice your math facts and keep reading and writing. I can’t wait to hear about all of the books you read this summer. I will be waiting for you right outside of room 17.  Bring your best smile on the first day, I can’t wait to meet you!


In an effort to make your school shopping easier, there is a tab with a list of the items needed for this school year. Please send in school supplies by September 6th. Remember to give your child his/her bus pass the first day of school and any notes about dismissal I may need. (after-care, early pick-up, etc.)


The students will be having a snack daily.  Please be sure you send your child in with a peanut free, child friendly snack.


I am looking forward to meeting you on Back-to-School Night. If you have any questions or concerns before then, please contact me. You can send a note in with your child or email me at [email protected].   I will get back to you, as soon as possible.    I would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.  Together, as parents and educators, we will work together to create a safe and happy learning experience for every student in room 17.  I promise to take great care of them. :)