About Our Library
Check Out
Students have the opportunity to select and check out a book during each visit to the school library.
Students in grades 1-3 may choose one book, while students in grades 4 & 5 may select two.
If a student has more than 2 overdue or outstanding materials, they may not take home a new book until their account is current.
Students are encouraged to select materials that are appropriate for their grade/reading level, however often times students want to try a challenging book or re-read an old favorite. Any and all types of reading are celebrated in our library.
Students may at any time exchange a book that they or their family decide is "not the right fit."
Lost Materials
Sometimes library books get lost or misplaced. As long as a parent or guardian is aware of the lost book, students may continue to check-out library books. If at the end of the school year, a book is still unaccounted for, it will need to be paid for or replaced.
Damaged library books, beyond repair, will need to be paid for or replaced.
Student Library Accounts
Each student has a library account which can be accessed through Destiny Discover. Students can used their Google user names (with @marlboro.k12.nj.us) and passwords to sign on.
When signed in, students can view which book they have checked-out, see if they have any overdue books, place holds, and access our eBook collection.
- Students receive classwork grades based on their ability to follow directions, adhere to library routines, and complete tasks to the best of their ability during library sessions. These grades reflect their engagement, effort, and responsibility in maintaining a positive learning environment.
- In addition to classwork grades, students are evaluated on project-based work completed in the library. These projects are designed to assess their understanding of library skills, creativity, and application of knowledge, and contribute to their overall library grade.