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5 Plietz Music-Thursday Assignments

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Record Yourself for Graduation in Google Classroom

Record Yourself for Graduation

Hi Fifth Graders!
It is that time of year where the fifth grade gets ready for graduation! Although we are not together, you are being asked to sing a song for graduation. Please record yourself singing "Hall of Fame". Please don't worry if you make a mistake ... with all of the 5th graders performing this, your mistake will not stand out. This is an optional activity. Your video must be submitted by June 5. You can record yourself on any device, but please upload your video to your school Google Drive, then link your video to Flipgrid so that all videos are in one place, or you can simply add it as a link to this assignment. I have shortened the song by removing the 2nd verse & chorus, so you don't have to record as much. Please follow the slides for the lyrics.


Audition for Little Mermaid in Google Classroom

Audition for Little Mermaid

Hi! For all of you interested, here is the link for Flippity for Little Mermaid auditions. Your video needs to be posted by Wed, April 22. If you have any problems or if a link doesn't work, please reach out. In case yours only shows one audition I have included a pic to show you where to go to see them all! Remember, this is optional - but I'd love to see as many as possible try! Also, not everybody who auditions gets a role, but there are small parts scattered throughout this show - you can still have moments to shine!


Let's Meet in Google Classroom

Let's Meet

Hi All!
If you are interested in doing a Meet to discuss creating a student musical digitally, please type yes in the class comments, and I will set up a Meeting with only those interested from 5th grade. Also, I don't know what time your teachers normally meet with you ... I am thinking 11 for this meeting tomorrow? If that works, put a second yes... so your comment would look like "Yes, yes" or "Yes, how about 10?" If you are not interested, please don't respond.


Vote for the Winter concert! in Google Classroom

Vote for the Winter concert!

Please listen to a little of each piece of music. There are 3 pages - vote for your favorite 2 on each page. Remember that the recordings do not sound like you will ... they are studio musicians (almost sound robotic!) Just try to find the two on each page that you like the most!