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General Music Samantha Talmage » About Me

About Me

Thank you for your interest in me!
Here is my background: I grew up in Wisconsin and Iowa and attended a small university in La Crosse, Wisconsin - Viterbo University. I was planning on majoring in instrumental performance (I play the tenor saxophone) and education, but after the head of the department heard me sing, he insisted that I major in voice. From my training in college, I won several vocal competitions in the Midwest, even getting to have a live solo performance live on the radio! I earned an Honorable Mention with the Metropolitan Opera competition, and after graduating decided to come to the East Coast and see if vocal performance was really for me. It didn't take me long to realize that the long hours of practice and study, intensely focusing on myself and my voice were not for me - I love teaching people, seeing them grow! So, I decided to pursue music education. I began teaching in Spring Lake (general, chorus, band), then moved on to Atlantic Highlands Elementary where I was the band director for 17 years! Now I am so excited to be teaching general music at Robertsville! I have 3 children, a husband and a dog and I love to paddleboard and bicycle in my free time. I am also the music director at Central Baptist Church of Atlantic Highlands and have co-written several musicals with my husband. Two of them were performed in NYC!
Thank you all for making me feel so welcome!